the rusty wagon
420 Walker Street Orland, CA 95963
(530) 988-9132
Check us out on Facebook! www.facebook.com/TheRustyWagonOrland
Also check out our website: www.therustywagon.org
The Rusty Wagon (RW) is a Community Integration Program for individuals who are Regional Center eligible and live in the FNRC (Far Northern Regional Center) region. Our mission is to provide adults with disabilities a place in our community to learn, work and thrive. Our training store features local foods, goods and unique artisan products as well as a shopping experience with superb customer service provided by our associates. The Rusty Wagon provides employment and training opportunities in the areas of:
Retail Sales
Marketing & Visual Merchandising
Customer Service
Printing & Graphics
Product Development
The storefront provides a natural environment in which work skills are taught, modeled and achieved through specific program curriculum pursuant to Section 56472 of Title 17.
The Rusty Wagon Community Integration Program is based on assessment of need for additional vocational training and employment opportunities for adults with disabilities, who are 18 years old or older, and who are Regional Center eligible in the Glenn County region.
Meet our Staff: Sara Nall - Teacher Monica Castro - Vocational Trainer
Welcome to The Rusty Wagon!
Meet Our Associates!
Check Out Our Merchandise!
The program is designed as a not-for-profit retail store governed by the Glenn County Office of Education (GCOE) through the Glenn Adult Program in association with the Far Northern Regional Center. It was developed to create training, assessment and employment opportunities for individuals with various employment needs while growing local and regional micro-business enterprises, supporting the Ag industry and regional tourism. This is done by creating new jobs that offer growth and advancement that support the growing work force.
Hours of Of Operation Tuesday - Friday 10:30 am - 5:30 pm Saturday 10:30 am - 3:30 pm
The store is closed on legal holidays.