Success One! Charter High School
Welcome to the Success One! Charter High School for ADULTS!
You can register anytime during the school year through our open registration by clicking the registration link below.
We offer classes that meet your educational needs and our enrollment process is simple. Classes are open to adults 18 years of age or older. You can also stop by our Orland or Willows campus to enroll or learn about the classes we offer, get assistance with registration and let us provide you with information on how to obtain your GED/HISET or High School Diploma.
We look forward to helping you reach your goals! Please click on one of the links below to fill out and return the Registration Form. Once received, we will contact you soon to set up a meeting.
Le ayudaremos a alcanzar sus metas. Por favor, vaya al enlace que está abajo. Les llamaremos a la brevedad para programar una cita.
It's never too late to earn your high school diploma.
At Success One! Charter School, busy adults can earn their high school diploma at their own pace through computer-based independent study or paper-based work.
The high school diploma program is a self-paced, online course or paper-based course with in-person instruction and assistance. Students may work on their courses at any time but are required to meet with an instructor once a week either in person or online.
High school diploma classes are FREE OF CHARGE to all students enrolled.
High school equivalency or ged
It's never too late to earn your California High School Diploma by exam
At Success One! Charter School, busy adults can prepare for the HiSET Exam at their own pace.
The exam tests you in 5 subject areas:
Social Studies.
You can combine what you have learned in life with preparation in class, to earn your high school equivalency credential.
The instruction will:
Focus on the subject areas you need to strengthen
Activities can be completed independently
Individual tutoring
Students must be 18 or older
No cost for the class. There IS a cost for the HiSet Exam.
For more information on the HiSET or GED exams, click the links below.